Thursday, August 21, 2008

Living in interesting times

In most of the classes I'd attended, lecturers always give the quote above. Looks like the market has only bought a one way ticket - south. Walking back would be a slow process.

Stock market aside, been getting quite a lot of wedding invitations lately. As they said, that'll be an indicator that we'd reached a certain age. Sorry to those whom weddings I couldn't attend.

Meanwhile, I'll be busy mugging for my exam. Time passed really fast when you're studying and working at the same time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Missed oppotunity

There are times when we should hope instead of fearing.

For example, this very time I missed the oppotunity to buy AMD's share at an oversold position. Knowing that nothing changed much fundamentally, it provides a good oppotunity for me to cover back my losses incurred during AMD stock purchase last year.

Since the day I decided to buy AMD but failed to (due to fear of incurring more losses and greed of wanting to make a bigger spread), it had made a big jump of whopping 50%.

Anyway, I'm thankful at least now I learnt up more about RSI,MACD and Bollinger's band during this time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where have I been?

Trying to revive the blog. :D So these are what I'd been doing so far for past 1 month.

1.Been busy attending class.
2.Went back to hometown.
3. Doing assignments.
4. Learning up more technical indicators like Bollinger's band, RSI, MACD and candle chart readings.

Need to start mugging soon. Final exam is around the corner. :(